letters not sent-losing game

Dear T, It's been over a week since we've communicated and today is the first day I feel like I really need you to be here. I guess my wish that we could get down to one session a week isn't going to happen again this year. I know it probably doesn't matter to you … Continue reading letters not sent-losing game

the blahs

Well, it didn't rain and we didn't have a thunderstorm which means lightning didn't hit the tree beside our tent and I'm still here...sigh. We're leaving a day early still because they are calling for 20-30mm of rain which is good for the forest fire situation but not so good for tearing down a campsite … Continue reading the blahs


Well here we are, the second and last vacation for the summer. One more week away from work and life. One more week away from therapy. I know I really shouldn't complain because T hasn't taken any additional time away and the first week was my holiday and not his but something about the separation … Continue reading vacation