a complicated death

My aunt, the one whose house I went to all those years ago, passed away late Wednesday. To say my feelings about the matter are complicated would be an understatement. I'm trying my best to keep busy so that my mind can focus on other things--things that don't remind me of what was all those … Continue reading a complicated death


I never quite know how to start talking about my father. February 1st will be 12 years since he died and I always thought a huge weight would be lifted off of my shoulders once he was gone. It hasn't happened that way though. Perhaps a part of me felt we could pretend a little … Continue reading Him

things I should probably tell my therapist but most likely won’t–feeling sorry for myself

I DON'T THINK PEOPLE UNDERSTAND HOW STRESSFUL IT IS TO EXPLAIN WHAT'S GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND IT YOURSELF. YOU KNOW THAT YOU NEED TO LET GO, BUT YOU CAN'T, BECAUSE YOU'RE STILL WAITING FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE TO HAPPEN...unknown author These things that have happened, they've ruined everything. My life, … Continue reading things I should probably tell my therapist but most likely won’t–feeling sorry for myself