
Do you enjoy your weekends? Is it something you look forward to all week? At my session yesterday after speaking with T we've come to the realization that weekends are hard for us. They definitely aren't something ever looked forward to and actually tend to increase the amount of anxiety going on in life. T … Continue reading weekends

let’s talk about DNA–random thoughts of the day

Sometimes, I like to watch Law & Order: SVU. I probably shouldn't because it's triggering as hell but I like to watch them nail those guilty dirtbags to the wall. Anyways, today's episode was about DNA and whether or not the genes of a perpetrator can be passed on to their children. I remember a … Continue reading let’s talk about DNA–random thoughts of the day

12 days

It would be an utter lie if I were to say that things have improved since my last posting. Quite the opposite actually. I'm not even sure where to begin but here goes... I went on my annual trip to visit my Auntie on September 28th. I'd been struggling immensely with thoughts of suicide for … Continue reading 12 days